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Causes of skin irritation in the female intimate organs and how to prevent them

Despite having a lot of busyness, some active women still do not leave the sport, in order to maintain a healthy body. Doing all the work activities coupled with exercise, such as yoga or aerobic exercise, makes a woman's body sweaty. Although sweating, not a few women who tend to ignore their own cleanliness. In fact, the body and feminine areas that are damp due to sweating can cause skin irritation. Sweating is the body's natural way to cool down body temperature, by releasing water and salt. But if excessive, sweat can bother you. Normally, sweat comes out of the pores of the skin and evaporates. When sweat is trapped under the surface of the skin and clogging the sweat glands, it can cause the skin to become irritated and itchy. Itching or skin irritation can occur anywhere in the body, not least in the area of ​​your sex organs. If you continue to scratch this area, it will cause the skin to blister, bleed, and be vulnerable to infection.

Causes of Skin Irritations in Female Intimate Organs

Besides sweat, there are several other causes that can cause skin irritation of your intimate organs, namely:
  • Exposed to irritants

  • Irritants are substances or things that cause irritation, and can cause itchy skin rashes. Irritant substances that often cause irritation around the female sex organs, including soap, creams, ointments, fabric softener, vaginal douching (vaginal cleaning technique), and detergent.
  • Certain diseases

  • Some diseases can make the skin in the female area become itchy and irritated, namely bacterial vaginosis, fungal infections, sexually transmitted diseases (such as chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and trichomoniasis), and skin diseases (such as eczema and psoriasis).
  • Menopause

  • When entering menopause, estrogen levels decrease. This causes the skin around your sex organs to tend to be thinner and dry. These conditions can make the skin in the female area become susceptible to irritation and itching.

Ways to Prevent and Overcome Skin Irritations in Female Intimate Organs

To prevent and treat itching and skin irritation in the female area, there are several things you can do, including:
  • Use underwear made from cotton and not tight. In addition, change clothes every day on a regular basis. Reduce or avoid the use of panty liners, because they can make your female area moist.
  • Change your underwear, clothes, and pants, every time you sweat, to reduce fungal infections that can be caused by moist skin.
  • Wash and clean the area of ​​your female sex organs gently, at least once a day. Remember, don't rub it too hard. Clean the female area properly, ie from the front to the back (from the vagina to the anus) after defecating, not
  • You can use feminine cleansing soap that is made from soft, natural, and has a hypoallergenic content to minimize the occurrence of allergies in your female area.
  • Avoid various triggers for skin allergies and irritations in your sex organs, such as regular soap with high pH, ​​perfume, colored toilet paper, and you are advised to use toilet paper that is colorless and without fragrance when cleaning the area of ​​your sex organs.
  • Change the pads as often as possible when you menstruate, if necessary use a feminine cleaning product to help clean the female area.
  • Make sure the female area remains dry so it doesn't invite bacteria and fungi.
Feminine labeled hypoallergenic cleansing products made from soft ingredients such as aloe vera and collagen, with a pH that matches the acidity level of the vagina, can be one of the right choices for cleaning the female organs properly. It is recommended to choose feminine products that contain aloe vera and collagen to reduce inflammation and restore moisture, good bacteria Lactobacillus to restore and maintain the pH balance of the female area. Also be sure to choose products that have been clinically tested or labeled dermatologically tested. The itching that may be caused by irritation and allergies can cause you discomfort. In addition, irritation that occurs in the female area can cause infection and invite various diseases. If you experience it, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.
